- Watched 2 more friends land new jobs - what am I doing????
- Spilt Juice on Gayatris table - ate sandwiches with her.
- Poked loads of fun at Vrindas idea of "fun"- some people are tooo old to have fun these days
- Worked on the Kickoff preparations for a new project on the 20thOctober.
- Watched Raghav shift into the lucky chair - by my side - it's been the passport to a new job for all those who've sat there
- Went in for a counselling session with our Training Manager - still wondering if I paid attention to what was said or who said it.
- Got a hold of John Wesleys new email ID. He seems to be settling down at WIPRO
- I still have to reply to Malliks SMS - he is in a high pressure situation at Nipuna
Almost became a great day.