Saturday, December 10, 2005

The Neal'n'Nikki Thingie

I was really there to see Nikki.
Tanisha is definietely HOT.
Uday looks like a jumped up wimp - with lipstick - his red lips kinda like stand out the whole film!!!

Well - actually Dad managed first day pics for the film and there was no reason not to go.This movie has been made for fanatics.
I mean - at least 60% of it is dedicated to exploring the female anatomy. It would be a little gross - but - the director (his name is Arjun Sablok - does no justice to the name) jhas gone overboard on his focus on - breasts , getting laid & poorly executed lip-locks. The lead duo have no chemistry when they do it - at least not something that's evident.
Reminiscing about Madhuri (Dayavaan ) & Karishma (Raja Hindustaani) - they had spunk put into those moments. These scenes in NNN were pathetically American and that too without the emotions.

The movie was a treat for the male eyes - nothin beyond that.
Oh - I did like the climax though!!!

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